Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.1

This is the first, and hopefully only, bug fix release of the 5.2 branch of Breadcrumb NavXT. Four bugs relating to the breadcrumb trail for attachments were fixed, a bug relating to support for search pretty permalinks, a bug relating to how empty URLs are handled by Breadcrumb NavXT, and a bug in the text domain and domain path in the plugin header were fixed.

For the attachment bugs, attachments to the front page and the page post type now have the proper breadcrumb trail generated, without PHP warnings. Additionally, media that has not been attached to a post/page now have proper breadcrumb trails generated.

As always, you can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page. If you experience any issues with this version of Breadcrumb NavXT, please leave a comment on this post detailing the issue.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]