Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic

Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic allows a WordPress Menu to be selected for Breadcrumb NavXT to follow for both titles and hierarchy for resources (posts, taxonomy terms, archives, etc). If the current item is not found in the menu, Breadcrumb NavXT will fall back to its default behavior.


  • Define breadcrumb trail hierarchy using a WordPress menu
  • Set alternate titles for breadcrumbs using a WordPress menu
  • Insert custom breadcrumbs into the breadcrumb trail using link elements within a WordPress menu
  • %DynamicTerm% functionality to allow the inclusion of the term hierarchy normally associated with the post before following the menu hierarchy via a custom menu item (new in version 2.1)

Getting Started

After installing Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic and activating the plugin perform following:

  1. Visit the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page.
  2. Click on the “Extension” tab.
  3. Select the menu you wish to use for your breadcrumb trail hierarchy from the drop down.
  4. Press the “Save Changes” button.
  5. If you wish to receive plugin update notifications from within the WordPress dashboard, enter your license key in the provided field.
  6. Press the “Save Changes” button.
  7. After the page reloads, press the “Activate License” button.


Version History and Changelog

  • 2.3.2 [1-26-2024]:
    Bug fix: Improved Breadcrumb NavXT 7.3 compatibility.
    Bug fix: Updated plugin updater.
  • 2.3.1 [8-19-2023]:
    Bug fix: Fixed issue that caused a PHP warning for unlinked breadcrumbs in PHP8.
  • 2.3.0 [3-17-2023]:
    Behavior change: The “Use Menu” setting has been deprecated in favor of using “Display location” within the menu editor.
    Bug fix: Fixed issues with activating license keys on sites that were migrated from one URL to another.
  • 2.2.1 [12-23-2022]:
    Bug fix: Fixed empty dashboard menu entry bug
  • 2.2.0 [11-18-2021]:
    New feature: Added support for post type archive menu items.
    Bug fix: Improved Breadcrumb NavXT 7.0 compatibility.
    Bug fix: Moved to latest plugin updater.
  • 2.1.0 [4-4-2020]:
    New feature: Added %DynamicTerm% functionality.
    Bug fix: Improved Breadcrumb NavXT 6.4.0 compatibility.
  • 2.0.1 [4-12-2019]:
    Bug fix: Improved Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3.0 compatibility.
  • 2.0.0 [7-14-2018]:
    New feature: Core of plugin rewritten to use new plugKit base.
    New feature: Now ignorings the non-displayed UberMenu menu items (e.g. [UberMenu Column], [UberMenu Row], etc.).
    Bug fix: Moved to new plugin updater.
  • 1.5.0 [12-1-2017]:
    New feature: Added support for Breadcrumb NavXT 6.0.0.
    New feature: Reworked licensing portion of the settings interface to be more intuitive.
  • 1.1.5 [5-5-2017]:
    Bug fix: Fixed issue where CPT root pages without a parent page did not behave correctly.
  • 1.1.4 [2-10-2017]:
    Bug fix: Fixed handling of blank menu item types.
  • 1.1.3 [1-13-2017]:
    Bug fix: Fixed incorrect settings page title.
  • 1.1.2 [1-5-2017]:
    Bug fix: Fixed issue that caused PHP warning on taxonomy term archive pages.
    Bug fix: Fixed issue that caused unlinked menu items to use the incorrect breadcrumb template.
  • 1.1.1 [8-5-2016]:
    Bug fix: Update to fix compatibility issues with Breadcrumb NavXT 5.5.0.
    Bug fix: Fixed compatibility issues with code that uses the_title to ensure the title returned by get_the_title() is not blank.
  • 1.1.0 [10-30-2015]:
    New feature: Added support for UberMenu’s dynamic posts and dynamic terms (requires Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3 for more complete support).
    Bug fix: Minor tweaks to improve plugin performance.
  • 1.0.4 [7-21-2015]:
    Bug fix: Update to fix compatibility issues with Breadcrumb NavXT 5.2.2.
    Bug fix: Fixed issue with wiping out certain HTML tags in the HTML accepting settings fields when activating a license via the activate button.
  • 1.0.2 [12-13-2014]:
    Bug fix: Fixed issues experienced by users when activating license keys.
  • 1.0.1 [7-31-2014]:
    Bug fix: Update to fix compatibility issues with Breadcrumb NavXT 5.1.1.
  • 1.0.0 [6-21-2014]:
    Initial Release