Believe it or not, Google has a rich snippits format for breadcrumbs. A user on the forums pointed it out to me. Is it cool? Sure. Is it useful? In its current form, probably not, and this is why.
Tag Archives: Web Standards
CSS Naked Day 2008
Ok, this is a little premature, but what ever. Tomorrow is CSS naked day, so in honor of this, this blog’s CSS will be removed for the entirety of that day. This is to promote web standards, which Microsoft seems incapable of following.
Also, it was reported to me that the download links are not working, this is due to a bug in the plug-in that I use for downloads, I’m going to install a SVN version of it that is compatible with WordPress 2.5
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]
Internet Explorer 6 Users
Please note that I no longer support IE6. IE7 has been out for way over a year now and IE8 is on its way. I do know that the method that I use for centering the main content does not work in the IE8 beta, even though it works on every other modern browser in existence. That really does not matter as Cran-Berry will be here soon enough and it’s a wider theme that will have that problem resolved.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]
Bug Squashing
A certain reboot day rapidly approaches, and for the first time I am ready. In reality there are dozens of little bugs to fix and tuning to do, but for the most part things are falling into place for the new theme, berry. Right now nothing should be horribly broken, but there are no guarantees. Things happen, and when a theme is built from scratch (or nearly from scratch, currently the comments file is K2’s with modifications) bugs may exist.
Not much will change in appearance on the 1st of May except the application of the official mtekk ‘branding’ (read as the m logo appearing in the header). However, depending on how things go, and open beta may begin for blu-berry. Should the beta not become public on May first do not expect it until the middle of the month as the are a few more pressing projects that need attention.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]
Not Again
Sorry I blew it this year, due to the school work load I 100% forgot that today is the second annual CSS Naked Day. It took browsing a blog and seeing that its CSS was missing but it was not facing the effects of Digg, and it dawned on me. The other too bad thing is that this blog has had the same skin for over a year now, it is time for change. But change takes time, especially when you are building a theme platform (inspired by K2, but it is not K2) from the ground up. That is all I’ll leak about one of my many projects, and I’ll leave you with a verbatim copy of my CSS Naked Day post from last year:
For a full 48 hours, while somewhere on earth it’s April 5th this blog will be separated from its lovely CSS file. This is about standards, not retarded Digg users, along with some ignorant Newsvine users. This day is to educate those web developers that don’t write code to conform to standards, which is a bad thing. Don’t even think about starting an AJAX/Web 2.0 project if you don’t plan on using web standards, otherwise bad things will happen.
Here is the link: CSS Naked Day
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]