The future of Berry, naturally. Right now, though fairly light, Berry’s next iteration will be lighter still. Blue may or may not be the dominate color of the theme, it all depends on how the WordPress 2.5 administration interface will turn out. In case the connection hasn’t been made yet, the header and footer (as well as most of Blu-Berry) were based on the WordPress 2.2 and 2.3 login form’s style. After about a year, themes tend to lose their luster. Blu-Berry, if some work would be put into making it look as it originally did almost a year ago, still is eye catching. Cran-Berry, the next iteration will follow a much more open development process. It will be available for download, and its development will begin around the launch of WordPress 2.5.
The first stages of developing the new iteration are already underway. It all begins with finally taking some time to reorganize and categorize the posts on this blog. This allows for the current dysfunctions to reveal their hideous heads while navigating the site. Next up is a replacement for Enhanced Live Archives needs to be found, one promising title exists. Then that little Attachment NavXT plug-in needs to get revised and released for mass consumption. The new design may more or less support it in a nice manner.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]