Fix Missing Network Controllers on Windows 10 Build 18362 (19H1)

After being graced with the latest Windows 10 feature update, Build 18362, both network adapters on my ASRock X370 Taichi motherboard went missing. This was not a simple case of the drivers for the network cards, the Intel Wireless-AC 9260 and Intel I211, not being installed, device manager did not even have a “unknown device” placeholder for either NIC.

Luckily, this was not a hardware issue (failure). Both devices worked once again after rolling back the build 18362 update. However, this is not a long-term solution as Windows 10 is very persistent on nagging users to install feature updates.

As the hardware had not failed, it was on to looking for something missing in the PCIe tree. Unfortunately, Windows 10 does not ship something like lspci as most Linux distributions do. However, there is the Device Management PowerShell utility. With it installed, the following command can be used to collect the PCI tree:

Get-device | where {$_.LocationInfo -like 'PCI bus*'} | select Name, LocationInfo, UINumber > pci_tree.txt

Comparing the PCI tree from before and after the build 18362 update revealed that the “PCI Downstream Switch Ports” on PCI bus 38 and the “PCI Upstream Switch” port on PCI bus 13 were missing (along with the two Intel NICs). On the ASRock X370 Taichi, only the CPU and the chipset contain PCIe switches. Given that NICs are traditionally attached to the chipset, it was time to look at the chipset driver.

Attempting to re-install the latest AMD X370 chipset driver revealed that Windows had downgraded the driver in the feature update—breaking the PCI bus in the process. Fixing the issue was as simple as re-installing the AMD 19.10.0429 chipset driver. After a reboot, both NICs were working one again.

Fixing the Onkyo TX-SR806 Receiver’s Blue in Deep Black Issue

This issue manifests itself as bands of blue in what should be a dark black gradient. A good example of this is the top AMD Catalyst Control Center as seen below.

AMD Catalyst Control Center Header in YCbCr 4:4:4 Mode

AMD Catalyst Control Center Header in YCbCr 4:4:4 Mode

The above is a picture taken by a camera of a TV connected to a Onkyo TX-SR806. The graphics card was set to use the YCbCr 4:4:4 color pixel format in this instance. This causes problems for the TX-SR806 which has problems with certain dark colors, rendering them blue rather than black—directly connecting to the TV does not have this issue.

To fix this, change the color pixel format to RGB 4:4:4 mode. For AMD Radeon users, AMD Radeon Software Crimson can do this (in the drop down menu, it is called “RGB 4:4:4 Pixel Format PC Standard (Full RGB)”).

AMD Catalyst Control Center Header in RGB 4:4:4 Mode

AMD Catalyst Control Center Header in RGB 4:4:4 Mode

Ignoring the moiré pattern due to the alignment of the camera, the dark area looks much better when in RGB 4:4:4 mode. Lastly, this is not an AMD specific issue. The previous HTPC which had Intel graphics also exhibited the same behavior.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

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Fun Fact: System Restore Won’t Make You a Sandwich

Looks like Microsoft has some sense of humor:

It won’t make me a sandwich?

System Restore can fix many problems, but it’s not designed to do everything. It won’t fix a slow download speed, for example. But it’s a great tool to turn to when everything else you’ve tried hasn’t worked…

I ran across this little nugget last night while trying to figure out why System Restore was only keeping one restore point on my dad’s laptop.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Notes on Trustworthy Computing

How much is security worth to you? What about freedom? Currently, the Internet is akin to the Western United States in the 1800s. It is mostly a lawless land, unorganized, untaxed, and full of roaming bad guys. The commercial sector is exploiting it more and more. And in turn, is being harassed by the bad guys (crackers). Some foolish individuals, and organizations, wish to expel all of the bad guys from the Internet, and fund it with a tax on all Internet connections. Not only is this an ineffective waste of everyone’s money, it will make things worse.

Microsoft’s Scott Charney wishes to frame the issue of computer viruses in the same manner as their biological counterparts. He boasts, “I actually think that the health care model, particularly related to the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control …might be an interesting way to think about the problem.” While the idea itself is not new, the implications tend to draw heated debate. And, after the H1N1 and Avian Flu scares that did not materialize during the last decade, following too closely in the footsteps of the WHO and CDC would be foolish. However, having a procedure for containing and cleaning up virus outbreak is beneficial.

Charney continues, “Why don’t we think about access providers who are doing inspection and quarantine, and cleaning machines prior to access to the Internet?” With the bandwidth shaping technologies out today, a third party real time traffic scanner for malicious activity is possible. However, the first hurdle to this is the issue of privacy. With the real time scanner, the carrier could look at data that was once forbidden. Looking at packet destination won’t work as botnets become more sophisticated and operate in a more peer to peer fashion. Thus, content analysis will become necessary. This will drive both the botnets and legitimate users to encrypt all network traffic. Which is the second issue, real time scanners will become ineffective in the arms race against the bad guys.

Creating a WHO of computer viruses will cost money. Charney suggests a compulsory internet tax for all connected individuals. He even goes as far as suggesting that “…it’s a public safety issue…” Since when has the Internet been vital for public safety? If we, as a global community, are so dependent on the Internet for day to day life, maybe the roll of the Internet needs to be rethought. Twenty years ago, most people had never heard of the Internet. Today, most use the Internet just for logging into Facebook and playing Farmville or some other worthless time sink. Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, infrastructure–such as nuclear power plants–does not have vital components exposed to the Internet (e.g. the plot in Live Free or Die Hard could not happen). Why should one, who is responsible and maintains good security practices, pay to clean up the computer of some idiot who still believes that a Nigerian prince is going to give him (or her) a large sum of money. Recent viruses have not been self propagating, and the idea that the actions of one idiot will cause everyone else to get infected is invalid. The last major auto infecting worm was Blaster, and that was back in 2003 (Sasser does not count as a patch was available before it went public).

If a WHO of computer viruses is necessary, maybe it should be funded the same way that the quit smoking organizations are, charging the software vendors. Microsoft, in particular should pay. It is their insecure OS (Windows XP), and their ignorant user base that has caused the problem. They need to educate their users as to why UAC is good, and should not be disabled or ignored. Mr Charney, that is your organization, do not push your burden onto us.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]