Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.1

This is the first, and hopefully only, bug fix release of the 5.3 branch of Breadcrumb NavXT. Three bugs were mercilessly squashed in this release. These bugs were: a bug that occurred when upgrading settings, a bug that caused a PHP error when the post_type query variable was an array, and an issue with alignment of the settings page content on WordPress 4.4.

In previous versions, a bug in the options migration script prevented new CPTs and custom taxonomies settings, or settings added by extension plugins from being instantiated properly. This manifested itself as undefined index PHP warnings/errors.

In instances where the post_query query variable is an array (set by another plugin), previous versions of Breadcrumb NavXT would throw PHP errors. bcn_breadcrumb_trail::get_type_string_query_var() has been updated to return the default type string when the post_query variable is an array.

Lastly, WordPress 4.4 introduced a slight styling bug in the settings page. In this bug, the content under the settings tabs would be misaligned (fall off to the right edge of the screen). This release introduces a fix to this bug.

As always, you can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page. If you experience any issues with this version of Breadcrumb NavXT, please leave a comment on this post detailing the issue.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]