
This filter allows control over the query variable Breadcrumb NavXT Paths uses to find referring terms. This filter was introduced in 1.8.0. It receives three parameters:

  • $use_query_var(bool)(required) Whether or not to use the query variable specified in the second parameter for the taxonomy specified in the third parameter
  • $query_var(string)(optional) The query variable Breadcrumb NavXT intends to use to find the referring term
  • $taxonomy(WP_Taxonomy)(optional) The taxonomy that the query variable is being checked against for validity


This filter allows control over Breadcrumb NavXT Paths’ check of whether or not a term belong to the post that the term hierarchy is being generated for. This filter was introduced in 1.7.0. It receives four parameters:

  • $term_is_a_post_term(boolean)(required) Whether or not the referrer term is a term the post has
  • $ref_term(WP_Term)(optional) The referrer term
  • $post_id(int)(optional) The ID of the post
  • $post_type(string)(optional) The name of the post type of the post


This function provides a means of retrieving the preferred term according to Breadcrumb NavXT Paths’ view of the world. This function was introduced in 1.6.0. It receives two parameters:

  • $post_id(int)(required) The ID of the post to retrieve the preferred term for
  • $taxonomy(string)(required) The taxonomy to retrieve the preferred term from

This function returns the WP_Term instance for the preferred term, if found. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.



This filter is applied within the bcn_paths_term_metabox class in the paths_meta_box member function, the result of this filter is passed into the dropdown_posts member function. This affects the posts displayed in the Page Map for Breadcrumbs dropdown. This filter was introduced in 1.6.0. It receives three parameters:

  • $get_post_args(array)(required) The array of arguments being passed into the call to get_posts within paths_metabox::dropdown_posts function
  • $term(WP_Term)(optional) The term object for the term being edited
  • $taxonomy(string)(optional) The taxonomy of the term being edited

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