This action hook will run if the widget display type is not one of the built in types (e.g. added via the bcn_widget_display_types action). It is located near the end of bcn_widget::widget(). The current widget instance options array is passed into the hooked function. This action was introduced in version 5.3. It receives one parameter:
$instance – (array)(required) The settings for the particular instance of the widget
This action hook will run just after the trail population check, and before attempting to fill bcn_breadcrumb_trail::trail. It is located in bcn_breadcrumb_trail::fill(). It receives one parameter:
&$breadcrumb_trail – (bcn_breadcrumb_trail)(required) A reference to the current bcn_breadcrumb_trail instance.
Note: Do not exit with a cleared bcn_breadcrumb_trail::trail, otherwise an inescapable loop may result.