This filter is applied before instantiating the breadcrumb_navxt class. This filter is intended to allow users to extend the bcn_breadcrumb_trail class and still use the existing admin interfaces. This filter was introduced in version 5.0. It receives one parameter:
$breadcrumb_trail – (bcn_breadcrumb_trail)(required) The instance of bcn_breadcrumb_trail that breadcrumb_navxt class will use
This filter is applied within the bcn_admin class in the admin_page() function. This filter is intended to allow users to override the default behavior of Breadcrumb NavXT to hide settings for non-public post types. This filter was introduced in version 4.3. It receives two parameters:
$public – (boolean)(required) Whether or not the post type is a publicly visible post type as represented by the public property of the post type object
$name – (string)(optional) The name of the post type
This filter is applied within the bcn_admin class in the admin_page() function. This filter is intended to allow users to override the default behavior of Breadcrumb NavXT to hide settings for non-public taxonomies. This filter was introduced in version 4.3. In version 6.0, a third parameter was added. It receives three parameters:
$public – (boolean)(required) Whether or not the taxonomy is a publicly visible taxonomy as represented by the public property of the taxonomy object
$taxonomy_name – (string)(optional) The name of the taxonomy
$posttype_name – (string)(optional) The name of the post type that the taxonomy is available for, may be NULL if a post type is not available
This filter is applied within the bcn_breadcrumb class in the assemble() function. This filter was introduced in version 4.4. It receives three parameters:
$replacements – (array)(required) The array of template tags and replacements. This array contains key value pairs, where a key is the template tag, and the corresponding value is the value to replace the tag with
$type – (array)(optional) The array of type strings for the breadcrumb
$id – (int|NULL)(optional) The ID of the resource represented by the breadcrumb, will be NULL if no suitable ID exists
This filter is applied within the bcn_admin (by means of the mtekk_adminkit::wp_loaded()) and the bcn_breadcrumb class in the class constructor. Note that Breadcrumb NavXT itself registers a filter for this filter to load in extended attributes for select tags, it is advised that end users use a priority with value greater than 1 to prevent unexpected results. This filter was introduced in version 4.4. It receives one parameter:
$allowed_html – (array)(required) The array result of acceptable HTML tags and attributes. See the WordPress codex for wp_kses() for an example of this array structure