Looks like Joost is getting to the BlogPress SEO folks. In the latest blog post by BlogPress SEO’s creator, we receive this nugget of comedy:
Why don’t big guys like BlogPress SEO?
I would come up with a very small and sweet explanation on why big Sites and Big guys don’t like BlogPress SEO?
The simple reason – they are scared!
Explanation: How many times it has happened with you write an original article and a site which has copied your article ranks on top of your site on Google? Well this is the power of backlinks and site authority. So its just a matter or backlinks – trust me. Now if you can over come that you can easily beat the **** out of Google’s algorithm… -Saurabh Nagar
Well, he couldn’t be talking about me, I don’t consider myself to be part of the supposed “big Sites and Big guys”. I do know why Joost does not like this plugin, and I agree with his justification. Let’s just say I am not trembling with fear of this plugin. Likewise, I’m sure Joost is not scared. I have no reason to be afraid of a plugin that will get you blacklisted from Google’s index and hands your blog over to Saurabh on a silver platter.
Due to the actions of the BlogPress SEO team, I can never, and will never recommend that plugin. It is malware, written by people who clearly have malicious intents. Their lack of explanation or admitting to writing the backdoor demonstrates this. Instead, they spin, spin, spin more than a politician.
Update: Looks like the BlogPress SEO folks are holding a little “contest”:
Get it verified from any WordPress Expert and if you find a backdoor to login, you get the paid plugin menbership for FREE.
So you get $97 worth of bacnklinks for free!
This is my personal challenge, do not rely on any toast who just works for money and gets laid in the night for money!
Funny thing is, the backdoor was removed sometime this weekend as the pressure mounted on them. This does not overshadow the fact that there was a backdoor in it just a few days ago, that the plugin still collects your admin email address with out permission, and is still going to get your site blacklisted. The “challenge” is just a ploy to get you to install the plugin, which at a later date they could add the backdoor back in.
Lastly, the final sentence does not make a ton of sense. Most people work for money, except those of us who are currently in transition between jobs, such as myself. As for the second part of that sentence, it could mean either of two things, and I do not participate in either of them.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]
Amen… And scared? :) I guess he should look in the mirror :)
At this point, I think he is too delusional to face reality hence his spinning. I just hope he doesn’t start quoting me about the fact that the backdoor was removed in the version of 1.5 that I have seen.
-John Havlik
If you would have admitted that you are uncertain about the level of scare, this might have had a more dramatic element ;)
But anyway, now you have me following the story. Best SEO + WordPress story so far. A scammer that attracts by throwing SEO on his users. This shows how far buzzwords can make it. What to say? If you don’t know, ask.
The second part of the sentence is probably what the people at Blogpress SEO did … Their dirty words can only come from their dirty mind, and I won’t take anything from such people even if it is free.