Changing the Home Breadcrumb Title

Prior to Breadcrumb NavXT 4.3.0, there was an option for setting the Home and Mainsite breadcrumb titles. However, these were removed as their functionality was completely redundant—the same behavior could be achieved by modifying the Home and Mainsite breadcrumb templates, replacing %title% and %htitle% with the desired title.

This works fine for most use cases. However, it does not work with bcn_display_json_ld() (introduced in 5.7.0). Luckily, there is an even better way to define the titles for these breadcrumbs—using the bcn_breadcrumb_title filter.

The Code

add_filter('bcn_breadcrumb_title', 'my_breadcrumb_title_swapper', 3, 10);
function my_breadcrumb_title_swapper($title, $type, $id)
	if(in_array('home', $type))
		$title = __('Home');
	return $title;

To force the Home breadcrumb to use ‘Home’ as the title, just place this code into your site specific plugin and activate. Want to use something else as the title? Change ‘Home’ to whatever you wish to display for the home breadcrumb.

Consider the Following

  1. Combining this method of specifying the Home title with the method of replacing %title% and %htitle% with the desired title in the Home breadcrumb templates is not recommended—the Home breadcrumb templates will take precedence.
  2. This example may be extended to modify the title for the Mainsite breadcrumb. To do so, look for main-home in the $types array instead of  home.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

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