Breadcrumb NavXT 3.6.0

Holy custom post types batman! With Breadcrumb NavXT 3.6.0 you can now have breadcrumb trails for all of those custom post hierarchies and custom post-custom taxonomy combinations. Additionally, if you use the built in widget for Breadcrumb NavXT, you can restrict the display of the breadcrumb trail on the front page. On the settings page side, Breadcrumb NavXT settings page no longer warns, it allows you to undo. You can undo save, reset, import, and undo actions. Finally, a Japanese translation is now shipped thanks to Kazuhiro.

There are a few minor bug fixes in this release. These mainly cover issues that have been around for a while but were never reported.

Please note that this release requires at least WordPress 3.0. It was developed in a WordPress 3.0 environment, and was not tested in WordPress 2.9. If it works for you in WordPress 2.9 (why are you still on anything older than WordPress 3.0?), let me know in the comments to this post.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


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2 thoughts on “Breadcrumb NavXT 3.6.0

  1. Hi,

    I have modified Breadcrumb NavXT version 3.6.0 in order to support full-multi-languages. I also added Indonesian translation into this version, and send the zip files to your email a few minutes ago.

    As we know, up to 3.6.0, the plugin only supports for static-multi-languages only. This will cause some of strings/texts in breadcrumb trail will not be translated as well as we want, especially in the multilingual website.

    Hopefully you can continue the development of this plugin into the next release based on this full-multi-languages version.


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