Breadcrumb NavXT 4.0.2

This is the second bug fix release of the 4.0 branch of Breadcrumb NavXT. There were a few fixes in this release. The included widget was updated to support’s breadcrumb microdata replacing the deprecated RDFa and Microformat support. Multisite WordPress installs should see the mainsite breadcrumb being linked again. Default settings for CPTs and custom taxonomies should be applied properly when bcn_display() or bcn_display_list() is called.

Users of the translations will notice that the updated Spanish, Norwegian, and Swedish translations load properly now. Additionally, Estonian and Azerbaijani translations are now available props to Martin Orn and Zaur Bayramov. Note that in this release the following translations were not included due to incompleteness:

  • German
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Russian
  • Italian
  • Japanese

If you are interested in picking up these translations, please contact me so I can give you access to the Breadcrumb NavXT translation project.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Posted in Word* > Plugins

15 thoughts on “Breadcrumb NavXT 4.0.2

  1. Hi John!
    Superb plugin which helps me allot! Thanks for that!!
    I have one question though (and sorry, I didn’t find another place for support):
    With function build_taxonomies() I created there different categories. Unfortunatly they are not showing up in the breadcrumbs: home > page instead of home > category > page.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Thorsten

    • Is “page” a page post type or a regular post? If “page” is a page post type then you may need to rethink what you are tying to do. The page post type is hierarchical and does not normally have taxonomies. Breadcrumb NavXT follows the page hierarchy for page post types and does not support taxonomies for the built in page post type (custom post types are a different story as they are inherently custom providing additional flexibility).

      -John Havlik

  2. Hey John,

    thank you for your great job with this plugin, I really like it – although Google refuses to show the breadcrumbs for my blog, but that’s a different story.

    I just ran into some trouble with the plugin and broken blog posts, so I blogged about it, looked into the code and found a (more or less workaround) fix for it. You can find it here: (the post is in German, though). Maybe you can guess from the fixed code what the error was ;-) Don’t hesitate to contact me for further details or a translation of my post.


    • Hi Jan,

      From what I can gather (Google translation), get_term is returning an WP_Error object. Your setup is somehow causing this, though Google is absolutely butchering your German in the paragraph under “Die Ursache”, I’m guessing that gives some detail as to what your setup is doing that causes get_term to behave oddly (but I’d love a better translation of it as I think something is being lost in translation).

      In general, WP_Error should not be received within Breadcrumb NavXT. Rather than check for WP_Error, it is better to let it escape and count it as a bug (if it is something Breadcrumb NavXT is doing oddly), or as the user doing something they shouldn’t (still interesting, and something I want to hear about as it gives me insight as to how the plugin is being used).

      -John Havlik

      • Hey John,

        sorry, I completely forgot about this comment afterwards… just remembered it as the 4.1.0 update popped up at my WP backend :)

        I don’t exactly know why I did not just give you the error details in my comment above here, probably been short in time back then. Shocking that almost three months have passed since!

        However, this is what caused the bug: In my installation, there was an error in the wp_term_taxonomy database table. One of my categories had a false parent category id set (can’t remember if it was non-existent or didn’t make sense in another way). All posts within that category caused Breadcrumb NavXT to die with an error.

        Subsequently I fixed the erroneous assignment within wp_term_taxonomy (wonder how it appeared in the first place?!) and modified Breadcrumb NavXT to prevent it from breaking WP if any such case occurred again. That’s some sort of dirty, but I guess I wanted to have a quick fix and make sure at least the posts were showing correctly.

        Again, sorry for not replying so long (some comment subscription plugin would be helpful!)…


  3. There seems to be a bug in the do_archive_by_term() function in breadcrumb_navxt_class.php.

    The taxonomy template is only being pulled from the “_no_anchor” setting, ignoring the main (linked) template entirely. If I remove “_no_anchor” from line 608, it works for me, but I’m guessing you need to do some conditional checking to choose which template to use.

    • Walter,

      After looking at the function, I’m guessing there may be a slight misunderstanding of its behavior. The non-linked taxonomy breadcrumb template should be loaded unless you have set “Link Current Item” (under the Current Item tab) or you have enabled paged breadcrumbs and are on the second, or later, page of the taxonomy term.

      -John Havlik

  4. My custom taxonomy (city) is being wrapped in an unexplainable anchor tag. I’ve tried everything. I don’t even have a template that contains “Go to %htitle%” in it (I deleted all the title attributes), so I have no idea where this is coming from. And it’s driving me nuts trying to figure it out. I can imagine why an anchor would be wrapped in an anchor. Help!

    <a title="Go to Mission Viejo." href=""><a href="">Mission Viejo</a></a>

      • Eric,

        Yeah that’s goofy. Can you do a settings export and email me the XML file (my email address is my gmail/jabber address on this site’s contact page)? To do a settings export go to the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page, click the “Help” tab, on the dropdown, click the “Import/Export/Reset” link in the menu, then click the “Export” button.

        -John Havlik

  5. Hi, I have a question regards to displaying breadcrumb. It shows correct path until sub category but once I click on single product (WP e-commerce), all previous paths were disappeared and showed only current page ( ex. it shows home > category > sub category but on single product page it shows home > current item ) Any suggestion?

    • David,

      WP e-commerce does things a little goofily. You may want to try the SVN trunk of Breadcrumb NavXT. I made a modification that allows it to play with the way WP e-commerce does things (the newer 3.8 and newer versions of WP e-commerce where they are using Custom Post Types). You’ll want to set the “Root Page” for the products post type to you products page, and select “Product Category” as the taxonomy for the products post type.

      -John Havlik

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