In general, Breadcrumb NavXT, due to its use of the WordPress API, is compatible with other plugins such as WooCommerce. Occasionally, this is not enough and additional code is required for proper functionality. Other times, as with WooCommerce, proper settings configuration is sufficient.
What You Need
These are the plugins and versions used when performing the testing reported on within this article:
- WooCommerce – At the time this article was written, 3.1.0 was the latest available version and was the version tested against.
- Breadcrumb NavXT – Tested against a development release of 5.7.1.
What Works
Since WooCommerce is relatively well behaved, Breadcrumb NavXT can easily generate the expected breadcrumb trail for WooCommerce resources. However, depending on how WooCommerce is setup, Breadcrumb NavXT may need a couple of settings to be changed. In general, the following settings changes are recommended for WooCommerce users:
- Ensure that the “Products Root Page” in the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page (Settings > Breadcrumb NavXT > Post Types) is set to the same page as the “Shop page” setting in WooCommerce (WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display).
- Ensure that “Product Archive Display” is unchecked.
- Ensure that “Product Hierarchy Display” is checked.
Other Notes
One thing to keep in mind: when changing the “Shop page” in WooCommerce, the “Products Root Page” in Breadcrumb NavXT will likely need to be changed as well. Otherwise, the Products page in the breadcrumb trail will not match the WooCommerce shop page.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]