Two Years of Breadcrumb NavXT 3

Two years ago, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.0 was released. With it came the same underlying codebase used today. It came with the knowledge gained when writing version 2 of Breadcrumb NavXT, and has been, for the most part, easy to extend to support new features added into WordPress.

Looking forward, there will be a 3.7.0 release in early November. It has incorporated many suggestions from users, in particular extra options have been added for custom post types that enable more flexible hierarchy structures. While support for multi site features have not been worked on yet, I still intend to include them in this release.

Now for the part that will concern some of you. I will be limiting my support and development time allocated to Breadcrumb NavXT during the month of October. During this time I will be working on a side project with J.D. and preparing for WordCamp MSP 2010. After October things will go back to “normal” as we approach the run up to 3.7.0.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]