Well, Where is it?

Almost two weeks ago, the release of Breadcrumb NavXT was said to occur last week. While the features new to 3.2.0 are done, there are some minor tweaks that need to be done before the translators can begin translating the new strings. Due to some new features, one was waiting of feedback on their implementation before proceeding. Additionally, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.2.0’s administrative interface was adapted to work on WordPress 2.8. The problem being these modifications break WordPress 2.7 support for the tabbed options, and WordPress 2.8’s release slipping three weeks (it’ll be another two weeks before 2.8 is released).

So where does this leave us? It will take this weekend to finish up some code to make the administrative interface compatible with WordPress 2.7 again. Additionally, some WordPress MU testing will take place, preliminary tests show that Breadcrumb NavXT 3.2.0 should behave as expected with WordPress MU 2.7.1. Currently, next Thursday is the intended release date for Breadcrumb NavXT 3.2.0.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]