WP Lynx 0.3.0

Time for part two of the release wave. That’s right, a new version of WP Lynx is available. Templated Lynx Prints, and TinyURL url shortener support are the two big highlights for this release. Also new to this release is an “Add Lynx Print” button in TinyMCE that shows up when in full screen editing mode, along with a slightly tweaked Add Lynx Print screen.

Bug fix wise, WP Lynx will warn you in your settings page if you do not have the correct permissions in your wp-content/uploads directory. Additionally, the length of the remote server’s response is now checked before attempting to determine an image’s dimensions (prevents some PHP warnings).

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

9 thoughts on “WP Lynx 0.3.0

  1. Hi!
    I am trying to make wp-lynx working on my site, but for some reason it gives error no matter what URL I enter. I use the latest wordpress with buddypress and version wp-lynx 0.3.0. I have resetted the setting as explained in your comment section and I do have setting filled now and they are saved (I changed something, saved and when back the value I set was written). Nevertheless I am unable to make a single link working. What additional information do you need for my setup?
    10x in advance!

    • Fil,

      Have you had issues using plugins that require CURL in the past? Getting the empty array usually means CURL doesn’t like something.

      -John Havlik

  2. John, sorry to answer like clueless user, but in this case I really am – I have no idea what CURL is and which (if any) of my plugins use it. How to check is it install, working, etc?

    • Fil,

      cURL is a set of functions that allow programs and scripts retrieve content on the Internet. PHP has a cURL library, which is being used in part of WP Lynx (in the future the direct use of cURL may changed to using the WordPress HTTP API). After a little searching, it looks like the problem may be that the php5-curl module is not installed on your webserver. You should contact your webhost and request they install cURL support for PHP5 (and have them make sure libcurl is installed as well).

      -John Havlik

  3. Hello John,

    I’m having the same issue as a few people.

    When I first installed, directly from the repository, and activated, the plug-in displayed the yellow bar message asking to complete the installation.

    After clicking, it said settings were saved, but then I had the red bar. When I click Complete Now, it reloads with the same red bar message.

    When I click on the Import/Export/Reset button, nothing happens. The Help button does drop down correctly, but the former doesn’t react to clicking.

    I’m using the latest version of WP 3.3, the DynamiX theme from Themeforest, and I have BBPress and BuddyPress installed.

    I went ahead and deactivated all my plugins, and started over, this time removing the version I installed from the repository, and manually uploaded the downloaded version. Same results.

    I’d really love to use your plug-in – it really is totally cool. If I can help you debug/test, just let me know.

  4. Hey John – update – I uninstalled the downloaded version, and grabbed the trunk version. Upon activation, it gave me the red bar saying to migrate. I clicked, and it came back with the yellow bar saying settings sunccessfully installed, AND the red bar saying to migrate. No form showing, and no Import/Export/Reset button available.

    I checked for anything new in the Help drop down, and found your new Import/etc link. I did that, and it came back with the red bar again, syaing to migrate. I almost uninstalled, but decided to try it. Lo and behold, it finished, and I was looking at a nice form with no red or yellow bars.

    It allowed me to configure everything with no errors on save. I reactivated all my plugins, went back to WP-Lynx, saved again, no errors or issues.

    I turned all my plug-ins back on, added a new post, and it works beautifully!

    One small thing – the first time I tried it, the paragraph I selected only had about 20 words. When I saved, it did not save the text. I selected a paragraph with more text, and it worked just fine.

    So it seems like there’s still a bug in the initialization, and whatever caused the first save to not include the text.

    Thanks John – this rocks!

    • Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the feedback and playing around with it. Personally, I have been having some odd issues with timeouts on the SVN Trunk version, which I haven’t been able to determine the root cause of yet. Hence, there should have been a 0.4 release for the WordPress 3.3 release but that hasn’t happened yet. It may take a while, but I will look into it.

      -John Havlik

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