Presenting WP Lynx 1.2.0: PDF thumbnail image support, multiple URL fetching, and a few under the hood improvements.
Prior to the 1.0.0 rewrite of the frontend interface, WP Lynx supported entering multiple URLs in the URL field and fetching them. This behavior has been reintroduced in 1.2.0, simply add a space between each of the URLs you want to fetch.
PDF support in the form of generating preview/thumbnail image for the first page of the PDF has been added. Since WordPress 4.7 is not available yet, this relies strictly on Imagick. The intent is to switch to the WordPress methods for 1.3.0.
On the bug fix front, a bug that caused Lynx Prints to fail to insert into some user’s post editor has been fixed. Additionally, pages lacking a HTML title element will no longer throw PHP warnings.
You can grab the latest WP Lynx on the WP Lynx plugin page.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]