Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic 1.1.0

Announcing the immediate availability of Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic 1.1.0. New to this version is support for UberMenu’s Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Terms. If a post is in, or is a decedent of a post in, the Dynamic Post menu listing, that structure is reflected in the breadcrumb trail. Likewise, if a post is a member of a term that is represented in the Dynamic Term menu listing, that structure is reflected in the breadcrumb trail.

Users with valid and activated license keys should receive an update notification within the WordPress dashboard and be able to use the update mechanism to update (just like with any plugin in the repository).

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

How to Implement BreadcrumbList with Breadcrumb NavXT

Recently, Google began supporting the new BreadcrumbList microformat. This happens to be slightly more verbose than the previous RDFa Breadcrumbs setup, but Google is much better at parsing this new format, and it is fully HTML5 compliant. While there is no ‘one click’ configuration for RDFa breadcrumbs within Breadcrumb NavXT, support for them is not too difficult to configure. Note, this guide depends on features made available in Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.0 and will not work fully in previous versions.

Calling Code Modifications

To begin, the wrapping div for the calling code needs to have typeof="BreadcrumbList" vocab="" added to it. If you are migrating from RDFa Breadcrumbs, this code replaces xmlns:v="". Below is an example calling code block for users of the regular bcn_display(); function.

<div class="breadcrumbs" typeof="BreadcrumbList" vocab="">
    <?php if(function_exists('bcn_display')) { bcn_display(); }?>

Settings Modifications

In general, you need a

<span property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem">

wrapping around every breadcrumb, and an inner element containing property="name" that directly wraps the page title, and property="item" typeof="WebPage" in the anchor if the breadcrumb contains a link. Lastly, each breadcrumb needs a (note that the %position% template tag is a new feature in Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.0). For the most part this will result in two replacements need to be made to all of the breadcrumb templates. For the linked breadcrumb templates, replace:

<a title="Go to %title%." href="%link%">%htitle%</a>


<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb"><a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="Go to %title%." href="%link%" class="%type%">%htitle%</a></span>


<span property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem"><a property="item" typeof="WebPage" title="Go to %title%." href="%link%" class="%type%"><span property="name">%htitle%</span></a><meta property="position" content="%position%"></span>

Note the extra span containing the typeof declaration. This is necessary for Google to pick up on the breadcrumb objects (even though the tag is redundant as the property should work on the anchor).

For the unlinked breadcrumb templates, replace:



<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb"><span property="v:title">%htitle%</span></span>


<span property="itemListElement" typeof="ListItem"><span property="name">%htitle%</span><meta property="position" content="%position%"></span>

To jumpstart this replacement process, you can import the following Breadcrumb NavXT settings XML file. Breadcrumb NavXT BreadcrumbList settings file (Right click and select “Save As”).

Final Notes

After updating your settings, use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to verify that your BreadcrumbList is detected properly by Google.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Explained: The “Your settings are out of date. Migrate now.” Message

After updating Breadcrumb NavXT, WP Lynx, or any other plugin that used adminKit, you may be greeted with the following message on the settings page:

Your settings are out of date. Migrate now.

This post explains what is happening when “Migrate now” is clicked, and provides some background and insight as to why this message exists.

Continue reading

Breadcrumb NavXT Translations Moving to Language Packs

Breadcrumb NavXT is moving away from distributing language files starting with the 5.3.0 release (slated for early October). Rather than ship translations, Breadcrumb NavXT now supports language packs from As of today, language packs through have been enabled for Breadcrumb NavXT.

For end users, only a few things will change. The first is the download size for Breadcrumb NavXT will be reduced. Second, only translation sets that are 100% complete are eligible for language pack inclusion. Previously, 90% completion of a language translation set was required to ship with Breadcrumb NavXT.

Due to this migration, will be retired sometime in early October. Going forward, translation efforts should be made on the GlotPress install located at The good news is, ff you have a account, you can now help translate Breadcrumb NavXT.

Lastly, a mailing list to notify translators of impending Breadcrumb NavXT releases that require translation updates will still be maintained. An email announcing these changes has been sent to the translation team.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT Multidimension Extensions 1.9.0

It has been quite awhile since the last release, but a new version of Breadcrumb NavXT Multidimension Extensions is now available. Breadcrumb NavXT Multidimension Extensions 1.9.0 adds a new breadcrumb display mode accessible through the bcn_display_list_multidim_children() function. This new mode populates the second dimension of a breadcrumb with it’s children rather than it’s peers as the standard bcn_display_list_multidim() function does. Additionally, support for calling either of the multidimensional display modes through Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.0’s widget has been added.

Lastly, two bugs were fixed in this release. The first was an issue where the second dimension would not be populated for the current item if the current item was linked. The second was an issue where an “Empty Category” message would appear in the second dimension for terms without children or siblings.

You can grab Breadcrumb NavXT Multidimension Extensions from the plugin repository.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]