
This action hook will run just after the trail population check, and before attempting to fill bcn_breadcrumb_trail::trail. It is located in bcn_breadcrumb_trail::fill(). It receives one parameter:

  • &$breadcrumb_trail(bcn_breadcrumb_trail)(required) A reference to the current bcn_breadcrumb_trail instance.

Note: Do not exit with a cleared bcn_breadcrumb_trail::trail, otherwise an inescapable loop may result.


How to Remove post_type From Breadcrumb NavXT URLs

Beginning with Breadcrumb NavXT 5.3.0, post type archive support was enhanced with the addition of the post_type query argument under various circumstances. Usually, this occurs when the post type is not the primary post type for the taxonomy (e.g. it is not the first post type in the object_type array for the taxonomy), or for date archives. While this is arguably the correct behavior, it is not right for every circumstance.

Breadcrumb NavXT 5.4.0 introduces a new filter, bcn_add_post_type_arg, which furnishes the ability to override the decision on when to include the post_type query argument. This article covers the basic usage of this filter, along with some hints for more advanced uses.

Basic Code

The most basic code, listed below, disables adding the post_type query argument for all resources.

add_filter('bcn_add_post_type_arg', 'my_add_post_type_arg_filt', 10, 3);
function my_add_post_type_arg_filt($add_query_arg, $type, $taxonomy)
return false;

To get started quickly, just copy and paste the above code into a site specific plugin and start playing.

Hints for (More) Advanced Uses

From the basic code above, notice that there are three parameters passed into the filter. The first is the decision Breadcrumb NavXT was going to make in regards to adding the post_type query argument. The second is the name of the post type that is under consideration for addition to the URL. Lastly, the third parameter is the name of the taxonomy, if applicable, for the archive the URL points to. With this information, more complex filtering/decision making can be achieved.

For example, it is possible to enable the post_type query argument for only specific post types, or for specific taxonomy archives. Or, the post_type query argument can be enabled for all but a specific post type or taxonomy. All it takes is a little conditional logic that looks at the second and third parameters of the filter function.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

How to Add li and Other Tags to Breadcrumb Templates

Since Breadcrumb NavXT 4.3.0, all settings that can contain HTML are passed through wp_kses(). With this change, only a basic set of acceptable tags and properties within tags were allowed. Naturally, this restricted users more than they were used to. The restriction wasn’t the biggest problem, the lack of a filter to allow users to add their own tags in to the allowed HTML tag list. However, with Breadcrumb NavXT 4.4, a new filter bcn_allowed_html has been introduced to fix this issue.

The default set of allowed HTML tags in Breadcrumb NavXT 4.4 consists of: <a>, <img>, <span>, <h1>, and <h2>. For the purposes of this guide, let’s assume you don’t want to use the built in bcn_display_list() function to output breadcrumbs wrapped in <li> tags. The reason you would want to do this is if you need additional properties within the tag (Breadcrumb NavXT will by default add a class but that’s it).

In Breadcrumb NavXT 4.4, adding a tag to the allowed HTML list for Breadcrumb NavXT is really easy. Just create a function with one input argument ($allowed_html in this example). Within that function append, using the HTML tag name as the array entry key, assign an array of properties that tag is allowed to have, using the property name as the array entry key and a value of true. Then add your filter function to the ‘bcn_allowed_html’ filter hook. Below is an example of this for the <li> tag with a selection of properties.

function my_bcn_allowed_html($allowed_html)
	$allowed_html['li'] = array(
		'title' => true,
		'class' => true,
		'id' => true,
		'dir' => true,
		'align' => true,
		'lang' => true,
		'xml:lang' => true,
		'aria-hidden' => true,
		'data-icon' => true,
		'itemref' => true,
		'itemid' => true,
		'itemprop' => true,
		'itemscope' => true,
		'itemtype' => true
	return $allowed_html;
add_filter('bcn_allowed_html', 'my_bcn_allowed_html');

To get started quickly, just copy and paste the above code into a site specific plugin and start playing.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Conditionally Remove Home from the Breadcrumb Trail

Since Breadcrumb NavXT 3.5.0, two WordPress actions have been added into Breadcrumb NavXT. They are the bcn_before_fill and bcn_after_fill actions. As their names suggest, the first runs at the beginning of bcn_breadcrumb_trail::fill(), and the second runs at the end of the same function. Both actions pass a reference to the current bcn_breadcrumb_trail instance into the hooked function. This post quickly covers a use case for the bcn_after_fill action.

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