Breadcrumb NavXT will return a BreadcrumbList JSON-LD object containing the breadcrumb trail for the passed in author ID. The following is the definition and available arguments for this endpoint:
GET /bcn/v1/author/<id>
id – (integer)(required) The ID for the author to retrieve
This filter is applied within the bcn_breadcrumb_trail class in the display_loop() function. This filter was introduced in version 6.0 to replace the deprecated bcn_li_attributes. It receives three parameters:
$li_attributes – (string)(required) The attributes placed in the li tag that wraps the each breadcrumb
$type – (array)(optional) The array of type strings for the breadcrumb
$id – (int|NULL)(optional) The ID of the resource represented by the breadcrumb, will be NULL if no suitable ID exists
This filter is applied within the breadcrumb_navxt class in the find_posttypes() function. It provides a method to override the default hierarchy display choice for custom post types. This filter was introduced in version 6.0. It receives three parameters:
$default_hierarchy_display – (boolean)(required) The default choice to either display or not display a hierarchy for the custom post type
$post_type – (string)(optional) The name of the post type that the default hierarchy type applies to
$hierarchy_type – (string)(optional) The hierarchy type (BCN_DATE, BCN_POST_PARENT, or a valid taxonomy name) that Breadcrumb NavXT is going to use as the default for the custom post type
This filter is applied within the breadcrumb_navxt class in the find_posttypes() function. It provides a method to override the default hierarchy type for custom post types. This filter was introduced in version 6.0. It receives two parameters:
$hierarchy_type – (string)(required) The hierarchy type (BCN_DATE, BCN_POST_PARENT, or a valid taxonomy name) that Breadcrumb NavXT is going to use as the default for the custom post type
$post_type – (string)(optional) The name of the post type that the default hierarchy type applies to
bcn_display_json_ld is a display function for Breadcrumb NavXT that generates BreadcrumbList compliant JSON-LD markup. It will generate a breadcrumb trail for the current page (resource, not post type). The following is the function’s prototype
$return the first parameter, it is a boolean and controls whether or not the breadcrumb trail is returned or echoed. Set to true to return the assembled breadcrumb trail string. It defaults to false if no value is passed in.
$reverse the third parameter, it is a boolean and controls the order the breadcrumbs are arranged within the trail. Set to true to have the current item’s breadcrumb show up first in the breadcrumb trail (this is revered of the normal behavior). It defaults to false if no value is passed in.
$force the fourth parameter, it is a boolean and controls whether or not generation of the breadcrumb trail should be forced (e.g. should the internal caching mechanism be bypassed). It defaults to false if no value is passed in.