This filter is applied within the bcn_breadcrumb class in the set_url member function before passing into esc_url() and then setting the internal $url property. This filter was introduced in 4.3. In 4.4 two additional parameters were made available. It receives three parameters:
$url – (string)(required) The URL that is being set for the breadcrumb
$type – (array)(optional) The array of type strings for the breadcrumb
$id – (int|NULL)(optional) The ID of the resource represented by the breadcrumb, will be NULL if no suitable ID exists
This filter is applied within the bcn_breadcrumb class in the set_title member function before setting the internal $title property. In 4.2 the title string passed to filtering functions is accompanied by the internal type array to provide context. In 4.4 the third parameter was added. It receives three parameters:
$title – (string)(required) The title that is being set for the breadcrumb
$type – (array)(optional) The array of type strings for the breadcrumb
$id – (int|NULL)(optional) The ID of the resource represented by the breadcrumb, will be NULL if no suitable ID exists
This action hook is run within the select form element tags for the ‘Output Trail As:’ setting in the widget. This action complements the bcn_widget_display_trail action. The current widget instance options array is passed into the hooked function. This action was introduced in version 5.3. It receives one parameter:
$instance – (array)(required) The settings for the particular instance of the widget
This action hook will run if the widget display type is not one of the built in types (e.g. added via the bcn_widget_display_types action). It is located near the end of bcn_widget::widget(). The current widget instance options array is passed into the hooked function. This action was introduced in version 5.3. It receives one parameter:
$instance – (array)(required) The settings for the particular instance of the widget