It seems when I was playing around with Compiz, Compiz-Fusion, Emerald, and Avant Window Navigator, something in Gnome broke, now nautilus won’t load. I did however get some work done on Breadcrumb NavXT. Nautilus was not the only thing broken, poEdit broke as well. With poEdit broken I could not produce the .po file needed for the localization of the administration interface. Thus, I had planed on releasing something last night, which will be pushed off until tonight. I can’t say if it will be 2.0.0 or RC 1, right now I’ll refer to it as RC 1. I’ll do an actual release tag in the SVN for this release, and hopefully it will work nicely with the plug-in update notification built into WordPress 2.3.
One last word on RC 1, I know some documents may have stated that there will be uninstallation support for it. Since I in particularly do not like the current plug-in for doing that, I’ve decided to wait until WordPress decided to include it into their API (where it belongs I believe). What I don’t like about the current method is that it adds more work on the part of plug-in developers. The developer should not have to register with a separate entity the wp_options that it sets. Any of the values set using the set_option method should automatically register to the generating plug-in, as should any new entries created by update_option. Then the uninstallation part would be occur after the plug-in is deactivated, an uninstall button should pop-up, which will remove all of the DB entries used solely by the plug-in. The only entities that should have to be registered is any custom db tables created by the plug-in. Thus, 2.0 will not support this, and I will wait until things mature a bit before adding support in a future version of Breadcrumb NavXT which will correspond to the release of WordPress 2.5.
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]