Breadcrumb NavXT and WordPress 2.5

A new version of WordPress is coming, and some big changes are in store for the administrative interface. This change makes some formerly good looking administrative interfaces look out of place in 2.5. On my testbed I installed the latest SVN version of WordPres, as of Sunday at 2:00PM CDT. Then I proceeded to test the latest trunk build of Breadcrumb NavXT. Beyond a doubt, everything works as it did in 2.0.0. Some things that were fixed in 2.0.2 have regressed, specifically on install no settings get set. I then went on testing Tom’s modified Administrative interface that he made look good in 2.5. The good news is that I can reproduce the odd bcn_security() can not be redefined error. The bad news is that I get that error. I’m not exactly sure how I got it to happen, but it may have to do with not disabling Breadcrumb NavXT and changing it’s files. Known things that won’t resolve the issue include:

  1. Regressing to the old file.
  2. Restarting Apache/MySQL.
  3. Commenting out the “bad” code.

I’m going to get phpMyAdmin up and running this evening and hopefully see if WordPress is doing any caching of the code or not in SQL (I hope they aren’t). Restarting Apache should have cleared any code cache PHP would have setup, but I’ll do a grep for the code to see if it’s still magically hidden somewhere. Oddly enough the plug-in is seen by WordPress as activated, and going to the administration panel for it yields the first section (fieldset) and a half of options. However these are from the old code that no longer resides on the server. What’s also odd is that PHP claims that the function is defined at the opening brace and then complains that I tried to redefine it at the closing brace.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 2.0.3

Available immediately for public consumption is Breadcrumb NavXT 2.0.3. This is the third, and final, bug fix release for 2.0.x, next up for release is 2.1.0. In this version, some CSS code that was used for the administrative interface was removed as it also affected other aspects of the administration panel. Specifically, the “Write” tab was the one with the most visible problems. The code affecting the saving of the settings from the administrative interface has been tweaked, hopefully eliminating the

"Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Offset not contained in string. in …/breadcrumb_navxt_api.php on line 77"

bug. Finally, a variable dump of $usermeta is done when the “API Malfunction” error is triggered. Hopefully that will allow some additional insight as to a possible workaround to the problem. The cause of the malfunction is known but an automated workaround isn’t obvious at this time.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


Vostro 1400’s 5.1 Surround Sound

Believe it or not the Vostro 1400 does have built in 5.1 Surround Sound and can drive analog outputs for such a setup. The plug-order from left to right on the front of the laptop is front (green plug), center/sub (orange plug), rear (black plug). After plugging into the ports, go to your control panel, and open up the SigmaTel Audio panel. Under the “Jack Setup” tab right click on each of the jacks (which each should have a green check mark over if you have plugged something into them). In the pop-up menu select the appropriate setting. Then back in Control Panel go to the Sound Panel select the Speakers/Headphones option/device and click on the configure button, select “5.1 Surround” in the Audio channels list. Continue on through the setup and when done everything should work in full 5.1 surround goodness. Naturally, the on board sound isn’t as good as the sound from my X-Fi, but I don’t have the 5.1 breakout box for the X-Fi yet. Dell’s choice to place the audio jacks on the front of the Vostro isn’t the best of design choices as they get in the way of the keyboard a little bit. However, it really isn’t that bad.

I really wish all laptop manufactures would standardize on a common docking station interface which would consist of a PCI Express x16 connector plus an express card interface located in the port (plus power of course), which in the base station would allow for full sized x16 graphics card to be installed and either a normal PCI, x1 card, or express card to be installed as well, plus 4 or so USB ports on the dock. That way you can game with the laptop when docked (Geforce 9800GT anyone?) yet get the power benefits of having an IGP while mobile (I really enjoy my 5+ hours of battery life with the normal 6 cell battery).

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Creative X-Fi Xtreme Audio Express

A package arrived from ebay today, it was the X-Fi Xtreme Audio Express Card for my Vostro 1400. Hopefully I’ll be able to find the 5.1/7.1 extension for docking with my speakers. Sound wise, it’s much better than the on board sound, which through the internal speakers is not that great. It’s not that bad, but with external speakers the on board sound is much better, and the X-Fi is that much better. Vista didn’t automagically get things working right away (sort of disappointing since everything else just worked). Creative is now better with their driver installer as they allow just installing the driver without the other added software (read as more or less crapware). Software installation was quick and painless, required a reboot as I chose to install ALchemy. Some actual testing will occur later this weekend.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 2.1 Discussion

As March approaches and the release of WordPress 2.5 nears, development on Breadcrumb NavXT 2.1 begins. Right now in the SVN, the trunk received a minor update that won’t be tagged, though it’s version happens to be 2.0.3. The trunk SVN in never stable unless immediately following a tagged release. Version 2.1 will feature:

  • A newly revamped Administrative interface. Complies with the WordPress 2.5 guidelines, even though they recommend using tables in ways that they shouldn’t be.
  • Smarter method for trimming the title to stay within the maximum length while not cutting off in the middle word.
  • Reimplement static front pages.
  • Allowing post breadcrumb organization by category or tags.
  • A widgetized version. (May or may not make it in this version, not sure if it is appropriate for this plug-in.)

Hopefully, the current problems that some are experiencing when enabling the Administrative interface can be resolved in an elegant manor. One cause of this is known and an appropriate error message with instructions on how to resolve the issue will be given to the user.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]
