Access to the Internet: It is a privilege

It’s not just broadband providers who are lobbying to be allowed to create a tiered Internet, it’s the telephone companies. Instead of comparing the Internet to cable/satellite television a single fact will be shared: the media wouldn’t stand for an a la carte TV system. The nature of the media is to deliver to the consumer what ever they feel is appropriate for mass consumption, regardless of quality or popularity.

Recently, due new technologies, the process of delivering different content at different speeds via the Internet has become much easier for ISPs. Cisco Systems with their next generation packet shaping routers can be thanked for this. Given this new power ISPs are limiting the bandwidth available for VOIP, p2p, streaming media, and online gaming. This is an end-user experienced tiered Internet, relative to the looming threat the damage this can do is minimal.

The big fuss is over what telephone companies ATT and Verizon want to do to the Internet’s backbone. Think of the Internet’s backbone as the water main that feeds the entire city. If it is decided that even though the main is at capacity the city decides to run a telephone utility line inside of the water main, taking up space that is already used. Now imagine that the city utility company was allotted several billion dollars to install a new water main and instead the money was lost within the management of the utilities company. In a sense this is what is happening today, and the cheapest solution for ATT and Verizon is a tiered Internet. Verizon and ATT have plans of rolling out their own VOIP and IPTV networks on top of their current Internet backbones, which currently are nearly at capacity.

Instead of paying the money to upgrade their networks, the telephone companies want to slow down the traffic to websites that don’t pay an extra fee for access to their networks. The main target is Google. Consumers are supposed to believe that Google doesn’t pay for its Internet connection, and should be made to pay up. In reality there is no such thing as free lunch, and nobody actually gets on the Internet for free.

Promises of more choices are deceptive at best. There already is established competition in VOIP and streaming media. The telephone companies truly desire to eliminate the competition to establish a monopoly choke-hold on the Internet. Packet shaping can do this easily by decreasing the bandwidth allowed for the competition until access to it is so slow that it is abandoned. Any extra cash collected via higher fees will end up financing a new yacht for the heads of the media companies instead of financing improvements to their own network.

Don’t give the telephone companies another chance, they’ve had too many already. Support network neutrality.

-John Havlik

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Can’t Swim, Can’t Graduate From MIT

MIT, among several other ‘high end’ universities require all students to pass a swimming test of four laps in their pool in order to graduate. Swimming, a basic survival skill as viewed by the university, may be the first test many freshmen will fail in a long while. I found this amusing since it would be the first test that I would ace at MIT, if I was to attend that college. Someone that I know at Chaska is going to MIT, which he found out only a few weeks ago, and has been trying to sell off his AP test spots since they won’t do him any good for MIT.

Here is the link: The Boston Globe

-John Havlik

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Stupid Phishers, I’m No Idiot

Today someone claiming to be part of the Chase-Security Support Service sent me an e-mail claiming that they ‘discovered’ recent activity on my account and that I had to log-in to my Chase Online account to resolve the issue. Funny how they ‘knew’ that I ‘have’ a Chase card, which I don’t.

Hovering over the hyperlink, which they tried to discreetly insert a bit of cover code so the average moron would think it was valid, but instead of going to or some related URL the hyper link pointed to some adsl-numbers link and then the cover… Knowing that this was definitely a scam, which Thunderbird warned of, I clicked the link. Firefox displayed the address as with additional variable passing in the address, defiantly a scam. I tried the https version, and got an access forbidden.

I have taken the liberty of contacting JPMorgan Chase, notifying them of this scammer, which wants your name, credit card number, mother’s name, social security number, and CVV2. After collecting this information, which I provided fake information such as 123 12 1234 for the social security number, and [Expletive] You Scammer as my ‘name’, I was sent to Chase’s real website, which is not entire secure as it redirects https traffic to its http server.

-John Havlik

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First Annual CSS Naked Day

Spreading awareness of web standards is the goal of CSS Naked Day, a day in which webmasters and bloggers remove all CSS styling from their website and blogs, leaving the xHtml ‘naked’. In his blog Dustin Diaz announced that he wants April 5, 2006, that’s this Wednesday, to be the first annual CSS naked day.

That’s right, I’m starting the first annual CSS Naked Day. In the spirit of promoting Web Standards along with good semantic markup and proper hierarchy structures, April 5th will be a day of nakedness for all webmasters to remove their style sheets from their website for one day. Signing up is not required, just simply comment in this thread with a link to your website and let everyone else know that you’re participating.

Over at Digg some people are having hard times reading the actual article, so I quoted Dustin’s first paragraph.

Dustin is recommending that anyone who participates includes some html that he wrote that explains the disappearance of styling and a link to the CSS naked page.

I will be participating, will you?

Here is the link: Dustin Diaz’s Article

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

April Showers

It’s a gloomy day today. Since waking up, it has done nothing but rain outside. Yesterday was much more pleasant. Daylight savings began today, which next year it’s supposed to change to the great bureaucracy that we American’s call Congress. The entire change is unnecessary and should be boycotted by all Americans, if we were able to resist using the metric system, we can resist the new daylight savings time.

Three swishes of blue, representing the earth, will become the new logo, or at least for the next few mock-ups that I create. In the forums we have come to an agreement that the blue swishes logo is generally accepted, even if it needs some refinement (which seems to always happen with time). This means that the new webpage will have a blue color scheme; I’ve already uploaded two modified versions of my original mockup (Rev 14 and Rev 15) that are visible on the forums, so check them out and either leave me a comment here or help in the creative processes in the forums.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

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