Next WP Lynx Release Roadmap

It is time to lay out the roadmap for the next WP Lynx release or two. With WordPress 3.1 looming in the near future (month or so out), and its link/quote/etc posts (Post Formats) support for that is necessary and fits perfectly into the long term goals for WP Lynx. Support for this should exist by the end of the year.

Previously, I was going to skip the 0.3, and 0.4 releases, moving to 0.5 for the next release. Instead of doing this, I will keep with the normal development schedule, 0.3 will the be the next release and will be out before the end of November. New features and fixes planned for 0.3 include:

  • URL shortener support, allow the user to set the included URL to be a shortened URL for TinyURL or other URL shortening services. This will have several tie ins, including Link Print template tags.
  • Link Print templates, these will work similar to the anchor templates in Breadcrumb NavXT and will allow the user to automate changes to the default Link Print markup.
  • Fix various bugs related to multi site support introduced with WordPress 3.0.
  • Add support for full screen editor mode. At the moment, in full screen editor mode, the icon for adding a Link Print is missing. This requires a TinyMCE plugin for adding the button to be created.

These tasks for 0.3 have been listed in order of priority, any that do not make it to 0.3 will be rolled into 0.4. Speaking of 0.4, it is planned for late December/early January. Right now, the tasks for 0.4 are as follows:

  • Tighter integration with WordPress 3.1 Post Formats.
  • Rewrite scaping code to use the WordPress HTTP API, set as default but allow users to use old calling code if they desire to.
  • Enhance the Link Print adding interface, allow user specified image cropping.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

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WP Lynx 0.2.1

Available for immediate consumption, WP Lynx 0.2.1 has been released. After being notified two weeks ago of an issue with the install script, I meant to release a fix last week. Today, I realized that my initial fix did not work as expected—good thing I had not released 0.2.1 yet.

This is a very minor update, that will save new users headaches after first installing the plugin. This was verified to work as expected on WordPress 3.1-alpha. Note, there are some bugs when using WordPress in Network/Multi Site mode. I am looking into those, and will address them with another update.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

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WP Lynx 0.2.0

No, this is not the massive feature improved WP Lynx 0.5.0, it is a feature adding release that improves upon the previous version. New to this version is styling within the Visual editor in WordPress. This uses the default WP Lynx style and looks much better than the pile of text and images that would show up in the editor in the past. Additional features include the ability to undo setting imports, setting resets and setting changes (inherited from Breadcrumb NavXT).

Expect the next release of WP Lynx, version 0.5.0, to become available early December. This version will feature some substantial changes and feature additions as development progresses towards version 1.0.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Two Years of Breadcrumb NavXT 3

Two years ago, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.0 was released. With it came the same underlying codebase used today. It came with the knowledge gained when writing version 2 of Breadcrumb NavXT, and has been, for the most part, easy to extend to support new features added into WordPress.

Looking forward, there will be a 3.7.0 release in early November. It has incorporated many suggestions from users, in particular extra options have been added for custom post types that enable more flexible hierarchy structures. While support for multi site features have not been worked on yet, I still intend to include them in this release.

Now for the part that will concern some of you. I will be limiting my support and development time allocated to Breadcrumb NavXT during the month of October. During this time I will be working on a side project with J.D. and preparing for WordCamp MSP 2010. After October things will go back to “normal” as we approach the run up to 3.7.0.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


Breadcrumb NavXT 3.6.0 Auto Upgrade Warning

WordPress 3.0.1, for some reason, does not do a proper deactivation/activation cycle on upgrading plugins. Due to database changes in 3.6.0, Breadcrumb NavXT requires a deactivation/activation cycle before it functions correctly. This specifically affects your traditional post and page breadcrumb trails, and a deactivation/activation cycle should clear it up.

Update: It looks like this is caused by the Dashboard > Updates multi plugin updater, use the regular one in Plugins > Plugins.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]