Road to Breadcrumb NavXT 3.9.0

Yes, there will be a 3.9.0 release of Breadcrumb NavXT, it will be coming later this month. Due a feature added in it, WordPress 3.1 will be required. It is not following the release wave cadence as this version was going to be skipped. The only new feature slated for this release is support for custom post type archives which were introduced in WordPress 3.1.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

The “Settings not Saved” Error

A major cause of the “Settings not Saved” error has already been fixed. This closes off the ability to get into the problem. Code that detects a site with that problem and fixes it still needs to be written. Originally, 3.8.2 was going to be released last Friday. It was bumped to this Monday, and now I’m “punting” to sometime around the end of the month.

An intermediate solution for users affected by this issue is to perform a settings reset:

  1. Navigate to the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page (Under Settings > Breadcrumb NavXT).
  2. Click on the “Import/Export/Reset” tab next to the “Help” tab in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  3. On the dropdown press the “Reset” button.

After completing these steps you should be able to save your settings without receiving the “Settings not Saved” error.

Note that this error is not something new to Breadcrumb NavXT 3.8.0, it is only made apparent due to the message introduced in 3.8.0. The absolute root cause of this is the activation action is not being fired for the method of installing plugins used by affected users (something that may be indirectly fixed in WP 3.2).

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 3.8.1

This is the first bug fix release for the 3.8 branch of Breadcrumb NavXT. There are two fixes contained in this release. Root pages for custom post types should work again. Additionally, a known cause of the “these settings were not saved” messages has been resolved. Those affected by either of these two issues should update immediately.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

WP Lynx 0.3.0

Time for part two of the release wave. That’s right, a new version of WP Lynx is available. Templated Lynx Prints, and TinyURL url shortener support are the two big highlights for this release. Also new to this release is an “Add Lynx Print” button in TinyMCE that shows up when in full screen editing mode, along with a slightly tweaked Add Lynx Print screen.

Bug fix wise, WP Lynx will warn you in your settings page if you do not have the correct permissions in your wp-content/uploads directory. Additionally, the length of the remote server’s response is now checked before attempting to determine an image’s dimensions (prevents some PHP warnings).

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 3.8.0

Holy paged posts batman! With Breadcrumb NavXT 3.8.0, pages, posts, and custom post types that use the <!–nextpage–> tag can now contain the Page # delimiter akin to the one for archives and the posts page.  A new output function, display_nested() was added to facilitate support of Google’s Breadcrumbs RDFa and Microformat specification.  Additionally, custom post types can now use dates as their taxonomy type in the breadcrumb trail.

This is version has one of the longest lists of fixes and improvements seen in quite some time. Several center around fixes to inadvertent issues introduced in 3.7.0. These include several PHP notices and warnings, auto-deactivation if the server is running PHP older than PHP5.2.0, multi-byte character UTF-8 support, translations loading on the widgets page, and safer handling of instances when the database copy of the settings do not exist.

Please note that the following translations have not been updated by their authors:

  • Dutch
  • Russian
  • German
  • Indonesian
  • Italian

These translations that will not be not be included in 4.0.0, unless they are updated. If you are fluent in any of these languages and wish to update these translations, let me know. I am sure many users will be grateful. Additionally, for translators, please do not set “Home” and “Blog” to the same word, it is incorrect, and causes confusion for users (if there is no suitable replacement for “Blog” in your language, just leave it as “Blog”).

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page. If you experience any issues with this version of Breadcrumb NavXT, please leave a comment on this post detailing the issue. Support for defects (bugs) will no longer be provided in the Breadcrumb NavXT page, in the documentation page, or in the FAQ page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]