WP Lynx 0.5.0

What’s this, a new version of WP Lynx? Memorial day counts as “early summer” correct? Anyways, this version of WP Lynx includes the promised Open Graph support. By default it will take the og:image and og:description as the default thumbnail and print body. In addition, some tweaks were made to the core so that sites with newlines occurring in the middle of a tag are parsed correctly. Finally, a few bugs in the Lynx Print adding interface (Show/Hide link) were fixed.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT and WP Lynx Previews

Breadcrumb NavXT has hit a feature freeze for 4.1.0. The only things left to do for the next release is some documentation updates, regression testing, and updating translations. Tomorrow the translation team will be notified of the two week window to get their translations updated (only 4 new strings) before 4.1.0 is released.

Try the latest Breadcrumb NavXT testing release from the Breadcrumb NavXT SVN Trunk.

WP Lynx has also hit a feature freeze for 0.5.0. Open Graph support has been added and all that is left to do is figure out the cause of a few ugly bugs that seem to only appear on my testbed. Additionally, one extra warning message needs to be added to the lynx print adding screen when thumbnails are disabled. See the WP-Lynx 0.5.0 milestone issue list.

Try the latest WP Lynx testing release from the WP Lynx SVN Trunk.

Expect the release of Breadcrumb NavXT 4.1.0 during the last week of May. As for WP Lynx 0.5.0, expect that some time in the first week of June.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

WP Lynx 0.4.0

Has it really been over a year since 0.3.0? This release does not contain a ton of new features, but rather some bug fixes, and other updates that allows it to play nicer with WordPress 3.3. There is a new help menu, with some useful information on the settings page. Content filtering has been improved so that it is less likely that junk will get scraped.

Per the roadmap, the real interesting release will be 0.5.0, which will support the relevant portions of Facebook’s Open Graph format. Look for that release in the early summer.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

WP Lynx 2012 Roadmap

It has been over a year since WP Lynx has seen an update. Last December I meant to release 0.4.0, but fell behind on other projects. 0.4.0 is still going to be released, and the plan is sometime in April. There are several bug fixes and tweaks that improve the user experience within WordPress 3.3+. After 0.4.0 will come 0.5.0.

Slated for the 0.5.0 release is the introduction of support for the relevant portions of Facebook’s Open Graph format. Several behind the scenes changes are slated as WP Lynx will be the test platform for the development of the next version of mtekk_adminKit. Expect 0.5 to show up sometime this summer.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


Using Schema.org’s Breadcrumb Microdata with Breadcrumb NavXT

Note, that Schema.org breadcrumb has been replaced by the newer BreadcrumbList. Please see the How to Implement Schema.org BreadcrumbList with Breadcrumb NavXT article for more information.

Unlike Google’s Breadcrumb micodata format, Schema.org’s microdata format for breadcrumbs is very easy to implement. There is no need for nested tags, or overly verbose and redundant tags. Instead, there is just two modifications from the standard Breadcrumb NavXT setup.

Breadcrumbs are a property of the Schema.org WebPage CreativeWork type. The first thing you must do to use the Schema.org microdata is declare the body of the (x)HTML page to be of type WebPage. You’ll need to modify your current WordPress theme so that the opening body tag is:

<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/WebPage">

Once we’ve declared our body to be of type WebPage, all we have to do is include itemprop=”breadcrumb” in the div wrapping around the breadcrumb trail. For example, we’d use:

<div itemprop="breadcrumb" class="breadcrumbs">
    <?php if(function_exists('bcn_display')) { bcn_display(); }?>

That’s it! Note that this does not work with the included widget in 4.0.1, and is something that will be changed for the next release.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]