Canon S90

S90's image is on the left, the SD850's is to the right

After several years of trusty service (the first few months were a battle, but that’s besides the point), I’m replacing my PowerShot SD850 IS with something a little more advanced. Since I’m not ready to take the plunge into the world of DSLR, and didn’t want something terribly large, the S90 fit the bill. Simply put, there are too many things to love about the S90. It’s small (though slightly larger than the SD850), has a fast lens, has a large (for a ‘point and shoot’) sensor, and has a control right around the lens.

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Spring Photos

These were taken with my Cannon SD850IS a few months ago, back during the tree bloom (the “first bloom” of the season). Everything was shot in “macro mode”, no flash, everything else set to auto. Cropped using the Gimp, no other post processing.

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