Foretold in a previous post, almost a year ago, premium extensions for Breadcrumb NavXT are in development. Today, the first three premium extensions are now available for purchase. These are: Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic, Breadcrumb NavXT Title Trixx, and Breadcrumb NavXT WPML Extensions. Visit the Breadcrumb NavXT Extensions Store to see all of the officially supported Breadcrumb NavXT extension plugins.
Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic
Breadcrumb NavXT Menu Magic allows the site administrator to select a WordPress Menu for Breadcrumb NavXT to follow for both titles and hierarchy for resources (posts, taxonomy terms, archives, etc). If the current item is not found in the menu, Breadcrumb NavXT will fall back to its default behavior.
- Define breadcrumb trail hierarchy using a WordPress menu.
- Set alternate titles for breadcrumbs using a WordPress menu.
- Insert custom breadcrumbs into the breadcrumb trail using link elements within a WordPress menu.
Breadcrumb NavXT Title Trixx
Breadcrumb NavXT Title Trixx allows a custom title to be set for any post’s (as in any post type) breadcrumb. It features integration with All in One SEO Pack and WordPress SEO by Yoast. If none of the supported SEO plugins are activated on the current WordPress install, an “Alternate Title” meta box will be available on all post edit screens.
- Supports replacing the breadcrumb title with All in One SEO Pack’s “SEO Title”
- Supports replacing the breadcrumb title WordPress SEO by Yoast’s “Breadcrumbs Title”
- Includes “Alternate Title” meta box for replacing the title if none of the supported SEO plugins are active
Breadcrumb NavXT WPML Extensions
Breadcrumb NavXT WMPL Extensions improves Breadcrumb NavXT’s support for WPML Multilingual CMS. While Breadcrumb NavXT mostly works with WMPL Multilingual CMS, there are some deficiencies; see Breadcrumb NavXT and WPML Compatibility. With Breadcrumb NavXT WPML Extensions, string based settings within Breadcrumb NavXT and Custom Post Type root pages are translatable within WPML Multilingual CMS.
- Automatically links to the correct Custom Post Type “root page” for the current language
- Makes Breadcrumb NavXT settings that are strings available for translation via WPML String Translation
- Improves Breadcrumb NavXT widget’s WPML compatibility
-John Havlik
[end of transmission, stay tuned]
Hello John Havlik,
I am attempting to use Breadcrumbs NavXT on my website, but I need your help with a problem. I have searched the FAQ and support questions and I couldn’t find an answer or an alternate means to contact you, so here I am in your comment box.
It shows up, it works for archives and categories as far as I can tell, but a few pages and posts are showing up all as the same post. For instance, I click on the page on the menu, “Reviews” – and it takes me to the Reviews page, but the breadcrumbs show up as Home > Articles > (post title, the same one that shows up everywhere this happens), rather than Home > Reviews.
Can you help me fix this?
Hi Angie,
If you are getting the same breadcrumb trail on multiple pages, and the trail is incorrect, it is likely you have a secondary loop that is modifying the
variable. You will need too make sure that the code that calls the secondary loop backs up the$post
variable before the secondary loop runs and restores$post
after the secondary loop runs.-John Havlik
Thanks for your reply! Would you mind translating that? I’m quite new to all of this. I just copied and pasted the provided code into my header.php but if there’s something I need to change, I would have no idea how to go about that. Thank you again for your time.
Hi John,
I just tried Breadcrumb NavXT and also the Order Bender, it works perfectly but the problem is now my category displaying twice. Not just my category, it affect the tags too :(
Here’s the screenshot and or you can visit my website by clicking my name.
Thank you.