Status on Breadcrumb NavXT 3.2.0

Here’s the scoop, due to classes, the release of Breadcrumb NavXT 3.2.0 did not make it in March. This past week Tom and I have been working on various parts of the administrative interface. All proposed core changes have been made, and all that remains is some administrative interface related features. These include importing/exporting options and the ability to reset the options to defaults. More on the importing and exporting on release, which looks like will be next Friday.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT Updates

Since there were no regressions from the 3.0.2 release to the 3.1.0 release, the next release will be 3.2.0. Expect this to ship at the end of the month, possibly into early April. For 3.2.o some things will be changing in the core. Some of these changes fix a regression between 2.x and 3.x in the handling of attachments to posts (the full taxonomy path will be shown in 3.2.0, the fix is already in the SVN trunk).

The bcn_breadcrumb_trail->display() function will be rewritten to work for either reverse or forward oriented breadcrumb trails. A supplemental function will be added that works similar to bcn_breadcrumb_trail->display(), but each breadcrumb is wrapped in <li> tags, this will make it easier for those who want that type of output. Some minor changes to the administrative interface will occur as well. Finally, some performance evaluation will occur durring this round to hopefully identify and correct any potential performance issues.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1.0

Welcome to the 3.1.0 branch of Breadcrumb NavXT, to your right you’ll notice paged archives, searches, and the front page all work in a more coherent manner. In the back you’ll notice that the administrative interface has been tweaked to match the look and feel of WordPress 2.7 even better than before. You’ll also notice that the tabbed interface, once a separate plugin, is now built in.

All included translations should be up to date, including the German translations that fell behind since the 3.0.0 release.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

A Tad Delay

As it is now apparent, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1 was not released last week. Simply put, I ran out of time, fixing the paged feature was a priority for this release and it was not ready. At the moment, the paged function is fixed for paged category archives, search results, and the home page. Fixing date archives is in progress, as is for tag archives. For multi-paged posts and pages there is not simple method to fix this, and I’ll be looking into that later this week. That part may not make it into 3.1.

Currently the release time table looks like this. Tomorrow night what will be fixed for version 3.1 will be done and in the SVN trunk. Translators will be notified tomorrow night and will be given five to seven days to respond with updated translations. That places the release around Monday, the 26th.

Also, qTranslate users, as of qTranslate 2.1.4 it appears to work properly with Breadcrumb NavXT. That includes Breadcrumb NavXT options and output.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Looking Forward

December is almost past, and still little to show for it here. It’s not that one wanted it to be this way, but it just happened. Now into the first full week of “Winter Break” , one would think there would be time to do things that could not be done in the semester. However, thanks to some interesting projects one is part of, the free time will not show itself for yet another week or two. That brings us to January 2009.

There will be no Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.3, no critical or minor bugs have been reported for 3.0.2, so this month’s release would be pointless. Comming January, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1.0 will feature some changes in the way default settings are loaded. This may cause a change in the anchor templates, but will allow localized default settings. The Tabular plugin will be removed, and its usefull parts integrated into the Administrative interface.

Berry will be updated with the Build 100 Cran-Berry code. There will be a design refresh either in late January or in late March. No code names yet, but it will probably be a red color scheme again.

A new, previously unannounced navigation plugin will rear its head near the end of December to early January. It is dependent on theme setup, and has been tested to work with Berry and the WordPress Default theme. More on that next week.

The transistion to its new apache server is suspended until later this week. We setup the new server. Now a process of testing, transfering, and opening up ports on the firewall must take place before things go live. Expect the transition to take place near the end of the year.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]