Looking Forward

December is almost past, and still little to show for it here. It’s not that one wanted it to be this way, but it just happened. Now into the first full week of “Winter Break” , one would think there would be time to do things that could not be done in the semester. However, thanks to some interesting projects one is part of, the free time will not show itself for yet another week or two. That brings us to January 2009.

There will be no Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.3, no critical or minor bugs have been reported for 3.0.2, so this month’s release would be pointless. Comming January, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1.0 will feature some changes in the way default settings are loaded. This may cause a change in the anchor templates, but will allow localized default settings. The Tabular plugin will be removed, and its usefull parts integrated into the Administrative interface.

Berry will be updated with the Build 100 Cran-Berry code. There will be a design refresh either in late January or in late March. No code names yet, but it will probably be a red color scheme again.

A new, previously unannounced navigation plugin will rear its head near the end of December to early January. It is dependent on theme setup, and has been tested to work with Berry and the WordPress Default theme. More on that next week.

The Weblogs.us transistion to its new apache server is suspended until later this week. We setup the new server. Now a process of testing, transfering, and opening up ports on the firewall must take place before things go live. Expect the transition to take place near the end of the year.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.2

The second maintenance release of the 3.0 branch, Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.2 brings many fixes to the table. WPMU users rejoice, most of the issues that 3.0.1 and 3.0.0 had are fixed thanks to Merci Javier who provided a WPMU testbed to help diagnose and fix the WPMU related problems. It is now safe to call Breadcrumb NavXT from within the loop. Some minor adjustments were made to the Tabular add on which makes it more WordPress 2.7 friendly. Problems with default options not being loaded on install should be fixed now.

There are now Spanish and French translations for the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page. These are included within the main distribution. Thank Karin Sequen and Laurent Grabielle for these translations. The German translation is still out of date, Tom Klingenberg does not have the time to maintain it, so if you speak German and would like to update the German translation we could use your help.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]

Breadcrumb NavXT November Update

Late next week Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1.2 will be released. This will include new language files for Spanish and French. Hopefully the German language files will also be updated (Tom has been very busy so if someone want’s to take over the German translation feel free to).

Early next week I will take a good look into WordPress MU compatibility of the administration interface. Thanks to Merci Javier next Monday I should have access to a WPMU test site. Normally I would setup my own testbed, but with WPMU I simply can not make an internal testbed for it without some DNS trickery which I really do not want to do (I’ve already made an attempt at this without much success). By Breadcrumb NavXT 3.1.2 the administrative interface will work correctly with WordPress MU.

Additionally, qTranslate users, this weekend a patch for qTranslate will be available that makes it compatible with Breadcrumb NavXT. Currently, it does not support the get_category filter, which is needed for it to work its magic on the category breadcrumbs.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


WordPress 2.7+ Compatibility

Beginning with version 3.1.0 Breadcrumb NavXT will probably retain a WordPress 2.7 and newer compatibility mode (rather than the current WordPress 2.5+ compatibility mode that is in place right now). This is due to some API changes that are being phased in with 2.7. 3.0.x will work perfectly fine with WordPress 2.7, but with WordPress 2.8 the administration interface may break (option saving/setting wise).

For my other plugins, both Mtekk’s Testimonials and Iframe-b-Gone are not fully compatible with WordPress 2.7. Mtekk’s Testimonials does work, but needs some tweaks. Iframe-b-Gone is more or less obsolete, and I really do not plan on continued maintenance of it. Comment Code Filter is 100% WordPress 2.7 compatible. Moo.wp and RPC Utilities are both very old and I doubt either still work. Moo.wp is no longer needed thanks to the script enquery tools in the WordPress API. RPC Utilities stopped working at around WordPress 2.3 or 2.5. I plan on eventually revisiting it, though that will be after Mtekk’s Testimonials gets updated.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]


Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0.1

This is the first maintained release for the Breadcrumb NavXT 3.0 branch. UTF-8 support has been improved for users of the administrative interface. Previously, UTF-8 characters saved in any of the fields of the administrative interface did not save correctly, this has been resolved. A bug related to attachments to pages was fixed, as well as a fix for the installation script of the administrative interface. Users that previously had issues with the administrative interface not containing default settings should remove the bcn_options entry in WordPress’ options table before activating this version. Finally, the behavior of the plugin was modified for users of static front pages that do not specify a Posts Page (under Settings > Reading). The new behavior is to drop the blog breadcrumb if Posts Page is not set, while before it was assumed Posts Page was set.

You can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page.

-John Havlik

[end of transmission, stay tuned]