Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3.0

Holy Gutenberg breadcrumb trail block Batman! Originally scheduled for inclusion in Breadcrumb NavXT 6.2, the Breadcrumb Trail Gutenberg Block finally makes an appearance in 6.3. Additionally, changes were made to improve accessibility standards support (both in the settings page and in the breadcrumb trail). Lastly, a bug that caused a PHP error in bcn_breadcrumb_trail::fill() has been fixed.

bcn_display_attribute_array Filter

Back in 6.0, the bcn_display_attributes filter was added to replace the old bcn_li_attributes filter. This was little more than a name change for the filter. Unfortunately, neither filter is easy to use—both require string processing. As an alternative, easier to use filter, bcn_display_attribute_array was added to Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3. This filter works against a key-value pair array of the attributes.

bcn-aria-current Template Tag

To facilitate WAI-ARIA Breadcrumb support, a new template tag was added in 6.3. Unlike the other template tags that start and end with %, this template tag is simply bcn-aria-current. This tag is replaced with aria-current="page" when the breadcrumb represents the current page, otherwise it is replaced with an empty string.

As always, you can grab the latest version of Breadcrumb NavXT from the Breadcrumb NavXT page. If you experience any issues with this version of Breadcrumb NavXT, please leave a comment on this post detailing the issue.


U2F and Firefox on Funtoo

U2F is pretty neat. It can be used locally on a machine for authentication and for two factor authentication on websites. There are even plugins for using it on WordPress powered websites. At the time this article was written, Firefox does not enable U2F by default. Though, that looks to be changing with Firefox 68.

Enable U2F in Firefox

Enabling U2F in Firefox is fairly straightforward. In the URL bar enter: about:config. Then search for u2f. There should be an entry: security.webauth.u2f, set it to true.

Install pam_u2f

However, simply enabling U2F in Firefox is not enough for a U2F device to work. To get everything working, pam_u2f needs to be installed. On Funtoo, this is quite simple:

emerge -av pam_u2f

After installing pam_u2f, Firefox should now be able to query your U2F key.

Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3 and Premium Extensions

Over the past few weeks, various Breadcrumb NavXT extensions have been updated in preparation for Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3. Today, the last batch of extension updates are being released. The following extensions are now ready for Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3:

Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3 is not scheduled for release for another few weeks. However, it is recommended to update any extension plugins in use before updating Breadcrumb NavXT.

Users with valid and activated license keys should receive an update notification within the WordPress dashboard and be able to use the update mechanism to update (just like with any plugin in the repository).

Breadcrumb NavXT uManager 1.2.0

Announcing the immediate availability of Breadcrumb NavXT uManager 1.2.0. This version introduces two new features and offers improved compatibility with Breadcrumb NavXT 6.3.0.

On the new feature front, a breadcrumb trail module for Divi is now included. Also new in 1.2.0 is the ability to use multiple taxonomies in a breadcrumb trail for a given post type. Additionally, the order these taxonomies appear in the breadcrumb trail can be specified in the Breadcrumb NavXT settings page.

Users with valid and activated license keys should receive an update notification within the WordPress dashboard and be able to use the update mechanism to update (just like with any plugin in the repository).